Find answers to your questions before joining a tour so that you can find out exactly what you want to know.

Why should I choose MountHikers?
Various men have their own hobbies and games but there's very few who loves to trek,the Stunning and determinationsame of enthusiasticlife, whenever you are in India for this, then there are many ideal places for trekking with MountHikers. The very mighty Himalayan region which will spell bound you with their extreme beauty.
Can I wash my clothes during the tour?
What kind of food do you provide?
MountHikers team provide delicious, nutritious vegetarian meals on the trek. It's Including Indian vegetarian food. The typical meal will consist of Rice, Roti, Sabzi and Dal . We serve three meals a day  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Apart from that, you’ll get tea and snacks in the evening and a hot cup of soup before dinner. As well as packed snacks as well.
The every meal is nutritionally balanced with the right amount of carbs, protein, vitamins, fibre and calories.
Will you provide us sleeping bags and tents?
Yes, we will provide you the Sleeping bags and tents.